It’s about time

A finished story. This one has been 90% done for months and months. But I’ve finally got rid of it. Dreadful title, but titles are almost as hard as endings.

Goin’ Courtin’
Rated PG (only one naughty word – but there was provocation). No people, ships or Jane Powell songs were harmed in this story)..

Actually finished a story

Well, sort of. I’ve sent it off for a beta, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to post it soon (depending on how bad my mistakes are).

I’ve got so many that are so close to completion but I just can’t come up with endings for them. Oh well.

Close. Kinda.

Well, I think I’ve finished, finally, a story. It still has to be beta’d and I think the ending is a bit “something” but I’m getting desperate to finish anything. And I mean anything.

I’ve also nearly finished another one that I started about three years ago. Wow. And I just this week found another story that I started four years ago and totally forgot and now I want to fiddle with that instead of polishing some of the others. Still, at least I’m getting some writing done. Sort of.